Minden Tour

Tour Details

Minden Off-Road Park, formerly known as Ray’s Place, boasts professionally made off-road trails of beautiful forest landscape , here you will find a 3 level trail system suitable for many types of off-road vehicles and offering a variety of accommodations.  We explore over 1000 acres of lush forest, lakes and swamps on crown land.

Group size:
up to 100+ People (5 people per trip)

washrooms camping cottages motel food-(seasonal)

Terrain type:
Huge hills, mud bogs, pond, river, rock crawling, lake crossing.

Adrenaline level:

What to bring:
Bug spray
Poncho or raincoat
Sanitary wipes
Healthy snacks

Save 50% on offseasonm weekdays & non holidays:
$499 2-2.5 hours
$675 3-4 hours
$799 4-6 hours

Scenery level:
7/10 – forest-like

Whats included:
Snacks and water

Trip travel duration:
2-6 hours round trip
3 stop off points

2 to 2.5 Hours

$ 499 *Offseason and Non holiday rate​

3 to 4 Hours

$ 675 *Offseason and Non holiday rate

4 to 6 Hours

$ 799 *Offseason and Non Holiday rate